4 strategies how you can get more flexible, even after 50:
Getting soar and stiff with age is bigger than you think. It makes you prone to injuries, can restrict you from certain activities, and it looks simply old, when you eventually can’t tight your own shoelaces. On the other hand it looks gracious and young, when each little bone of yours is part of the the move you are taking, like a tiger. If we women don’t notice a change in flexibility earlier, arounf 50 we do. Estrogen plays a huge role in elasticity of our muscles, joints and tissues.
Two years ago I thought I would stretch for about three months, and by the summer I would touch floor in front slpit. Just as I did when I was 35. It was a shock to learn how this 15 years changed me. I’m turning 51 and though I’m still just at this bit, I didn’t give up. I will be down in front split one day!

I improved but still not down
And I made an impressive progress in a different direction:

2 years ago I was just at 60 degrees bending forward.
It’s so cool! I can’t remember ever in my life I could bend forward so flat, so I started to think from all those strategies I collected in the past 2 years, what could possibly help me get here.
1. Water consumption is helping to get rid of inflammations. Inflammations restrict joints and muscles. When I started stretching for the split, I was forgetting to gulp down at least 1l of pure water a day. Today I’m having more and in the past two month it’s been a good quality filtered water. (Berkey)
2. Breathing through stretching. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself with stretching every day for a week then you can’t keep up anymore and stop. Make it possible for yourself in long term. I stretch roughly 3 days in a week only. And when you do, take deep breath and stretch always gently further with a distinct exhalation.
3. Differentiate dynamic from static stretching to use them in the right way. Before or during physical activity go for the dynamic stretching. Only at the end of your work out routine you should stay long in one position.
3. Cease cortisol dysregulations. If you experience long lasting stress not only your cortisol levels will wreak havoc on your entire hormone system, but your muscles will get stiffer. Loosing up your muscles will feed back to your adrenal glands, that there is no problem, no reason to worry! It can slow down with pumping cortisol into your blood. One of the most efficient way of dealing with cortisol dysregulations is breathing exercises. Here you can receive the Ultimate Guide to your Pelvic Hub Control, with many breathing exercises. It’s completely FREE. Practice the energising ones in the morning and the calming ones whenever you are anxious or worked up, or in the evening.
4. Improve oestrogen metabolism if you are a woman. We want to maintain optimal oestrogen levels for healthy bone structure, for strong yet elastic tissues and muscles. One of the first thing to look at for this is the alpha hormone cortisol. Keep it under control, because it blocks oestrogen. So get engaged with the breathing exercises, stop drinking coffee, and cut back on carbs.
These 4 strategies will help you getting more flexible after 45. If you integrate only 1 of the 4 you will feel already much better in your daily activities.